Mr. Harrington has been serving the students of California public schools for 20 years. Currently working for Mt. Diablo Unified School District, his current assignment is at Pleasant Hill Middle School where he is the Director of Instrumental Music teaching close to 200 students encompassing strings, winds and general music.

2022- present
Pleasant Hill Middle School- MDUSD
Oakland Unified-Multiple Sites-Oakland Tech High School
Antioch Charter Academy- K-8
I'm happy to be teaching at PHMS this year. The students are fantastic and the future of the program is promising.
Oakland- I spent 12 years in Oakland at various sites and feel fortunate to have worked with talented and dedicated colleagues, fantastic families and thousands of students. Highlights were the Big-O Big Band made up of OUSD school teachers, the MLK Oratorical, District Area Concerts, and the experience of working with thousands of students who taught me more than I taught them.